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Small Business Solutions

Your business may have a smaller technology budget than some of its larger competitors but you still need the same tools and systems to remain competitive within your marketplace.

XOS have a wide range of office solutions and services for your small business that will not only keep you connected and working efficiently without any heavy expenditure but will ensure you're capabilities are

on-par or superior to some of your larger competition.

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Xerox Device As A Service (XDAAS)

Our shorter-term contracts on entry-level A4 and A3

Xerox printers and MFP's allows your business to have first-class Print, Scan technology - without breaking the bank.


Inclusive of all copies and prints - this offering makes your document related expenditure easier to manage and more predictable.

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Superfast Broadband


Superfast Broadband (FTTC) is a fibre connection from the exchange to your nearest street cabinet, and then a copper cable to your premises.


This will deliver up to 80Mbps download speeds, depending on your location with unlimited data downloads.



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Fibre to the premises (FTTP) may well be the last broadband product you'll ever need, with download speeds of up to 1GB.


At a low cost starting point, you can get a fibre cable directly into your premises and with our fibre flex option, you can increase your speeds at any time within your term.



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Business Mobile


Our Business Mobile offering helps businesses stay truly mobile with flexible tariffs, multi-network contracts & essential cyber security.

Our wholesale pricing model ensures that you have access to the market's leading rates and offers, with you need SIM only, handset inclusive or Data-only SIM's, we can help you get better connected.

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Open reach will end their traditional network in 2025, which means everyone with a phone line will need to move to a VOIP solution to make/receive calls over the internet.


We understand that this may be a worry, which is why we allow you to test our Hosted VOIP solution first, free of charge.

Print Management Partners

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What is Print Management?

Print Management is an easy way to automatically monitor and manage copying and printing in your organisation, giving you control over your costs and environmental impact.


Print Management software can intercept print jobs on the print server, analyse them, applying rules to enforce your print policies.


It can give you full accountability for print costs. In-depth reports allow you to find out exactly what has been printed and by which user, department or group.


With an XOS Print Management solution, you can enforce print policies like two-sided printing, defaulting large jobs to black and white only, re-routing costly jobs to the cheapest device and much much more!

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What are the Benefits?

  • Reduces costs and eliminates paper waste.


  • Ensures sensitive document security with Secure Print Release.


  • Support for validation via swipe cards, biometrics etc.


  • Print to a single global queue, collect from any device with Secure Follow-Print.


  • Track all activity.


  • Scales with you and supports from 5 to 500,000 users.


  • Works on any platform: Win, Mac, Linux, Novell.


  • Automatically imports users from Active Directory, LDAP and more

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Why Print Management?

Do you need to:


  • Cut Waste and Your Carbon Footprint?


  • Apply Print Policies Enterprise-Wide?


  • Enable Find-Me/Secure Print Release?


  • Monitor and Report on Usage?


  • Administer Centrally, Manage Easily?


  • Maximize Uptime and Availability?

  • What if we use multiple printer and copier brands?
    At XOS we offer MPS for Xerox and 3rd party devices. We can cover all your devices and with Xerox replacement cartridges we can also provide ink/toner for most major brands at a reduced price/greater page yield.
  • What will the cost savings be with an MPS from XOS?
    On average our customers save around 30% and in some cases over 40%!
  • Is our business too small for MPS?
    Not all all! Managing your printer or printer fleet can be a timely and costly process for any size of business. Having an MPS provider like XOS takes away the need to manage printers directly, saving your staff valuable time, so they can concentrate on their core tasks.

Talk To Us About Print Management Today!

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